This isn't about spicing up your relationship with others!! This is
about being your cool self, for your own self. It’s so easy getting used to our
life with all the inherent shortcomings and the only response we seem to get
out of ourselves is: 'Poor Me!'.
Here I shall share some funtastic ways to make you fall in love with
your innermost self once again. What matters is to walk out of your shell
keeping your head held high, and that pretty Nose pointing in the right
1. Eat Light to Fit in That Fab Dress
Remember mom saying, Think before you speak!! I say, Think before you
I know that feel when we try slipping into our favourite silhouette
dress right after a meal followed by that devilishly enticing scoop of
And Sometimes realisation comes too late when that yummy packet of
potato chips disappears in our tummy while surfing those soaps on TV.
The remorse thereafter makes us give up on our constructive ideas even
for the next day !! Forgetting that
every single minute counts, when we actually want to fulfil our dreams. So, as
all good children are taught, share that food. In the books of Diet: Charity
begins at home(dining-table) girls !
2. Passion for a Standing Ovation
It's not just about letting everyone one know how good we were at the
school sports and the painting competitions we topped.
It's not even about people wondering at the social dos, which salon
does this lass go to for her makeup, when in reality you effortlessly did it on
your own.
But it's about being a grown up woman to find out and pursue our
passion. All we need to do is engross ourselves fully into our passion. Not all
of us may get our soul-mates but we shall always have a role that feeds our
soul. The purpose of life is a life of purpose. Dollars & Pounds will
naturally follow sweethearts.
3. All you got to Do: A finger Tap
and A Handshake
It makes more sense to flaunt your svelte side when you are in touch
with former flames of your time, igniting old passions within. Stock up photos
on social media of tiny efforts you make every day to follow your passion. Let
people whisper and go wow over it ! Comments like 'Ah! So beautiful honey' will
make you helpless to follow a rigorous health-beauty regime to resemble your wowsome-awesome
image that you posted, when you personally meet your gang.
4. Sweat and You are all Set
When your lovely legs are at haste and heartbeat loses its pace while
you exercise, your brain correlates this as if you are fighting the enemy. So,
to protect itself the body releases a chemical called 'endorphins' to fight
stress. This is the reason why you rapidly feel positive after exercise and
have a clear mind. It blocks pain momentarily giving an instant momentum
towards your potential.
To calm your clear mind for the day you must meditate to retreat
yourself. Meditation is the perfect balm for the mind & the soul.
5. That was Lame-Change the Game
Make sure you don't stick to a same pattern of dressing and hair style
for months and years. Break the monotony by serene changes in your looks. A
good hair-cut and perky outfit can bluntly take some 5-6 years off from your
age. You get more self-assured when you feel youthful and energetic inside. It
gets you exactly there, where you can walk with your head held high, and that
pretty Nose pointing in the right direction, it's a Promise !